Thursday, February 25, 2016

I only have about 60 seconds to send this to you. I'm just supposed to say I'M ALIIIVVEEEEE!! I've only been here a day and a half, but it seems like at least a week. I already know some small talk, and how to pray in Cantonese. We had some role-play in English with converts who were pretending to be investigators and I felt the spirit so strongly! The only bad part was I had to share the investigators with 50 other missionaries. I can't wait for the field when I get investigators all to myself. I'm surprised at how much I know already from Mission Prep at BYU. SOOO helpful.
My companion is Sister Terry, and she's awesome. She's a dance major at BYU and lived in Springville. She is so much better at focusing in class than I am. 6 hours a day of immersion language study makes me effectively brain dead. But we teach our first lesson IN CANTONESE TOMORROW!!!!!! We'll be fine. Terrified, and maybe even emotionally scarred. But fine I'm sure.

With Love
-Sister Hugo

PS I don't have lots of time today (I'm pretty sure I've gone way over already), but I have unlimited time on P-day (Wed) if I get everything else done fast. So everyone should expect it by then at least. Also, anyone who writes me on Dear before noon, the letters will be delivered that evening.

PPS I'm crying so much (from feeling the spirit, not sadness I promise) that I think my Chinese name will be Leaking Dragon

PPPS The cafeteria is nothing like the Cannon Center. Shame on everyone who told me otherwise.

Administrator Note:  If you use, use "?" as the unit number until Sis Hugo provides her MTC address.