Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Denial is not just a river in Egypt

Sooooooooooooo this week will mark my year mark. That's CRAZZZYYYYY!!!! And so, I'm in denial. What? Missions end? That's crazy talk!!! Honestly there are things that I look forward to about life in 6 months (naps, pants, ovens, cheese) but feels just like I'll have a weeklong P-day in America with my family, and then I'll come back out here.

In any case.

This week was a great week!!
West point is still the exact opposite of Sheung Shui, and I'm still rocking it. The Law family took us out this week to an AMAZING buffet. The salad was amazing (It's been MONTHS since I've had a salad!!) and the steak and mashed potatoes were perfect, but by far the best part (other than the sparkling conversation) was the all you can eat ice cream. Oh my goodness. It was to die for. The ice cream was imported from EUROPE and is creamier that Hagen Dazs. CREAMIER THAN HAGEN DAZS!! I am not exaggerating when I say that I ate more ice cream than the rest of lunch combined :) Thank you Lau family!! And it doesn't end there, we started talking about food that we miss from home and mentioned a couple different foods that are in HK, but way to expensive for us to buy. And they bought all the food we mentioned and brought them to church to give them to us!!!!!  

This week for P-day we are *drumroll please* MAKING A PILLOW FORT!! We are going to move the bunkbeds to make a pillow fort, and then we are going to watch ALL OF THE THINGS!!! Bible Videos, Ephraims Rescue, Emma Smith, Mormon Messages, and honestly a little bit of General Conference. And we shall feast on chocolate chip cookies, guac and chips, and smores. Long story short, I am VERY happy :D 

We don't often get a chance to teach real people in english, but we did this week!! She is actually from Nepal, and she is the coolest person ever! She has such a believing heart! When I recited the first vision she stopped me and said "I have chills! This is so powerful!!" It was the first time in my mission that some one was actually reacted to the first vision and not my recitation. It's normally something like "You memorized this!? How long did it take you? Your Chinese is much better when you memorize things. Maybe you should memorize more things?" It was so nice to just have that little reconfirmation of "YEAH!! This is this most amazing thing in the WORLD!! Got appeared to a 14 year old boy, and restored the same church that Jesus Christ Himself established!!! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?"

The church is true, the book is blue. God is aware of us, and has a plan for all of us. Just ask Him, and He will remind you. 
Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

West Point is GREAT!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Say what now?

Many times in my mission I have that thought. "Say what now?" Most of the time it's when people are speaking Cantonese and I have NO idea what they are saying. But it has still happened a couple of times . But I don't think there has been a moment like last night. We got move calls last night. And after being up in the Boonies for 10 months, I am moving down to West Point as Sister Training Leader.

Just to be clear, if New York State was all one mission, then this move would be something like moving from mid state New York, to the Empire State Building and the surrounding block. (*disclaimer* I know nothing about New York State or NYC, but it would be something around there)


I have very mixed emotions. 1/3 is very excited for this new adventure.  It 's the complete opposite of Sheung Shui, so that will be an adventure for sure. Another 1/3 of me is terrified of moving to the island after my almost 10 months out here in the boonies. I mean, one of my investigators is a famer for pete's sake! The last 1/3 of me is sad to leave Sheung Shui. I love the members here so much. Not to say anything about all of the people that I've taught. They have become a huge part of me. I think that when I get home, more than 1/2 of my Facebook willed be filled with posts in Chinese. Lanuguage study, right?
I have a game plan. I'm going to use this time to try and meet with every single person I have ever taught. Especially the formers who don't answer our calls. Hopefully they will miss me enough to meet with us again (!!!:)) and they will realize the difference that was in their lives when they met with the missionaries and kept commitments. And then I'm going to call all the members to tell them I'm leaving. Thursday morning I move, so these next three days will be the busiest of my mission.

I'll have SOO many pictures next week! Love you all!

Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite