Wednesday, May 17, 2017

1000 Year Old Eggs (plus a day)

Last night we had dinner at a members house.  We were talking about all the weird foods the missionaries have or have not tried. And the mom suddenly ducked back into the kitchen, and she comes out a second later with a black egg.

1000 year old egg.

Apparently you make it by digging a hole in the mud. Filling it with salt, then putting the egg in the salt, and covering it again with mud. Then slowly the egg somehow turns black. CRAZY!!! But this one had been kept in the fridge for too long, so it went bad. Weird that time in the FRIDGE and not time in the MUD is what made it turn bad.

Sister Yuen, Vilian, and Jan came to church this week!! It's normally hard for them to come because the kids don't like waking up early (who's surprised). But it's been so cool as they have learned about Christ seeing the change in them. Even though they're just little kids, Christ is still changing them. And the Primary snacks might be helping too ;)

Being a missionary is still so awesome. Sometimes the best part of the day is actually finding, because I just get so many opportunities to testify of my Savior. 
Gotta Go
Till next week

*insert farewell here*
a) love you
b) add oil
c) Always be yourself but always be you better self
d) Choose the sprite
e) it will all work out in the end


Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite

This was last P-Day. Just junk food and nothing to do all day. It felt beautiful.

I'm not sure what my face is doing......but we may or may not have dug these lilies out of our neighbors trash......


With her new companion.

We got to visit with Joanna on Mothers' Day.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Training Pt. 2, 2.0, The sequel, the prequel, the companion series, the return of the trainee

I'm training again!!!
Her name is Sister Peck, and she's adorable. She's from Avon Utah, is super diligent about learning Cantonese, and she is SOO EXCITED!!! WHICH MAKES ME EVEN MORE PUMPED THAN I ALREADY AM!!!! One of the downsides of always wearing skirts, is that I can't just do karate kicks whenever I get really excited. I've been really excited about everything lately, which just means I save up all the kicks till I get in pajamas at the end of each day #SisterMishProblems #ActualyItMightJustBeMe 

These days we are focusing on REALLY using PMG. My mission president said in a training last week *lifts finger into the air* and I quote *ahem* "Preach My Gospel was organized on this side of the veil, but given to us from the other side" 

So that happened. 

Basically, any problem that we have, we just look in Preach My Gospel. The cool thing is that then it teaches us how use the Book of Mormon and prayer better. Basically, life is going awesome. 

I love how the Lord trusts us enough to give us problems to solve. And then we get stronger, so he sends us bigger problems. I read a quote that said something like "When something happens, there are 3 kinds of people. People who don't know it happened, people who wondered how it happened, and people who made it happen." Basically, Heavenly Father wants us to all be the third kind. So He's given us all these tools to make stuff happen. But  we're not very smart. So we aren't very good at using the tools. But He just walks us through the steps. And it's through the little things that he teaches us - going to church, daily scripture study, daily prayer, the LITTLE THINGS. 

Life is awesome. Love y'all. 
Christ is Risen. 

Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite