Wednesday, August 16, 2017

baahk gam gaau jaahp

Every time I try to describe how I feel these last couple days I just come back to a Chinese saying -- baahk gam gaau jaahp. 100 feelings wrapped in one. It's pretty accurate. I wish that I would have some sort of 80's music montage of my mission. It's weird, because every period of life has funny memories, and new friends, and trials, but a mission is special because it has a definite starting date, a definite ending date, and you know when both are before they even happen.

So yeah, I'm sad to leave Hong Kong, and Cantonese , and amazing street food, and the amazing people I've met. I'm sad that I have to take off this name tag.

But I'm so excited to go home. To watch Disney movies with my family, and eat pizza, and cheese, casseroles. And to be able to swim, and sleep in to 7:30, and to stay up past 11, to talk with my family all day every day, and to be able to give twice as many hugs as I give now, and to be able to Google any random questions I have, and to be able to go back to school, and talk with my family as much as I want. 

Honestly, I'm excited for the challenge. One of the MANY things I have learned is that challenges are how God blesses us to help him come closer to him. We can come close any time really, but challenges just make it so much easier. I think that's the thing that I'm most excited about. In the process of figuring out how the new me fits in the old world, if I let it happen, I'll get even stronger. And more faithful, humble, loving, patient, and even just cooler. 

So on Friday, my heart will be firmly planted in St. George Utah, but until then, I'm just gonna live it up in Hong Kong, and try to learn all I can in the few days I have left.

I got to see Siu Pohpo again!! She had a Doctors appointment in my area, so we met in the subway station for about 5 minutes.Totally worth it.
I discovered cooked cheap sushi! And I am actually starting to be okay with seaweed!! #WonderofWonderMiracleofMiracles
Had a lesson a retired Opera singer! She taught me that Foreign singers sing with their mouth at the back of the head, Chinese singers sing with the mouth at the forehead. Who knew? She is so sweet, I love her.
See you all soon!! Hold down the fort for me a couple more days, 'kay?
Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Yan Ching got Baptized!!

Yan Ching got baptized!! She is so adorable!! It was the most spiritually powerful baptismal service that any of us had ever been to. During her testimony she explained that her mother and grandmother are members and brought her to church when she was born until she was 4, then they stopped coming. Then about a month ago she asked her mom if she could go to church. Her mom said "whatever sure, there is one down the street" and Yan Ching said "NO! That one we used to go to! I miss that feeling! It was peaceful and 'syufuhk' (which is the best way ever to explain the Holy Ghost,  but just translates as comfortable)"

So then the Cheung Sha Wan sisters stated teaching her, and then I picked up when I got moved here.

I think that the two reasons that the baptismal service was so powerful are
1) Yan Ching's own conversion
2) The love that the whole ward (and even the neighboring ward) have for her

It really is so amazing the power that love has in our lives. I have so much more that I want to say, but time is running short (how do i always run out of emailing time!?!?). But simply, one of the things that I am learning on my mission is how crucial love is. We can NEVER force someone into the gospel. EVERYONE needs to be loved in. The love of Christ, the members, us missionaries, everyone needs to feel love from all fronts. Something that I'm working is just making sure that EVERY person I talk to in a day can feel my love for them. It's been hard (I talk to soooo many people as a missionary!!) but seeing the power of love to be a catalyst of change in people's lives has been so inspiring :)

Love y'all
Add oil!!!
Talk with you again next week :)

Additional Pictures:

Yan Ching got baptized!!!!!

​Yan Ching with all her missionaries!
So yeah, life is perfect

Went bike riding
Passed my old area so got my favorite shrimp wanton noodles (even Sister Lee says they are the best she has ever had)

Bike riding was so much fun!!! (as usual)

Editor Comments:  I think the next two are Joanna playing the traditional version of Mahjong.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Cheung Sha Wan!

SURPRISE!! You know how I said I was staying in West Point with Sister Peck and Sister Percival for my last 3 weeks, change of plans!! Got a call morning of transfers and I am in Cheung She Wan, step training Sister Lee for my last 3 weeks. Cheung Sha Wan is great!!  Our area is pretty big, which means that we are always running from lesson to lesson. Also, the mission office which has always been so far away that we go about once a month, is now in my chapel that I go to everyday. 

One day we were doing finding at the pier and it was so pretty I JUST COULD NOT HANDLE IT! So we took some pictures.

My last night in West Point we did face masks together. The funny thing is that I thought I looked cute when I made this face.

Me and Sister Lee emailing in the Apple Store! We have been so busy that this has been the ONLY time to pics

This week has been awesome. If I didn't know that the Lord wanted me HERE, in Cheung Sha Wan, then it might be a little hard. But I just have felt such a confirmation that this here right now is where I can do the most good. And since I can't be a profitable servant, I'm just trying my best to be a good and faithful one. 

Time's up, but I love you all!! Add oil!!

Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite