This last week for P-Day we rode the mid level escalators. It's just a part of city that's built on really hilly land, so to help everyone get around they installed escalators everywhere so people don't have to walk. Everyone says it is the "Longest String of Escalators in the World" but I'm not sure how true that is. #HeardItThroughTheGrapeVine #MissionRumors #YesIDidSpend3HoursRidingEscaltors #NoRegrets
We would get off every now and then to look around at all of the cool shops. It was weird to see just how different the real city is from Sheung Shui.
The Package my mom sent me!! IT had more stuff in it at first, it was BURSTING, but I got to the bottom and realized I had opened it upside down!! AAH!!
My beautiful and amazing kind family sent me a 12 Days of Christmas CountDown Banner, a little cut out tree that we hung on the Window, and "ornaments" to decorate the tree. The Ornaments are different names of Christ, with one addition by my father (Undefeated and Undisputed Heavy Weight Champion of the World). It made the apartment feel so much like Christmas!!
This week, we didn't have any investigators at sacrament meeting.Everyone got sick, and once investigator has been sick this week she didn't even realize it was Sunday! But the sacrament meeting was amazing! They had all 6 of us missionaries (4 sisters, 2 elders -- we had 2 wards meet together) give talks. but....... the other sisters Bishop forgot to tell them that they had to give talks, so we called them 3 minutes before sacrament meeting started. Their talks were AMAZING though, so they didn't need the extra time anyway. I was really nervous for my talk because when I get nervous I speak really quickly and then my tones go all over the place and no one has any idea what I'm saying. But I managed to speak nice and slowly, and even got some laughs in! I spoke about a picture my sister gave me for Christmas, it's a nativity picture with a TON of angels, and Joseph looks really stressed. I talked about how I loved the combination of those two things. Joseph, is asked to be the Earthly Father of JESUS CHRIST!! The only perfect being to ever walk the earth! And in his first day as a new father, he can't even find an inn. If it was me, I would have felt like such a failure. BUT we sing praises of that day 2000 years later. There were angels present. If Joseph had failed God, how did it end up being such a sacred moment? The answer is that Joseph didn't fail God. Heavenly Father knows we won't be perfect. That's why He sent His Son. Because of Jesus Christ, his love, and His Atonement, we will ALWAYS be enough. President Hinckley said "All you have to do is try. But you've got to really try!" I love that attitude. That's what I'm doing. REALLY trying!! That's my invitation for the week. Just REALLY try -- at whatever you think that it needs to be.
Love you all so much.
Love Hong Kong.
Love getting frustrated at learning a tonal language.
Love this Gospel.