Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Small Fire Stick Nurse

Learned this week that the translation of "The Little Matchstick Girl" is literally "Small Fire Stick Small Nurse." I love Chinese, because 1/2 of the time words have really silly meanings, and sometimes they really cool and deep. Like, repent is literally "regret then change". How cool is that! But then gloves is "hand socks". Also VERY cool, but in a completely different way.

Only time for one story.

This week we had a member call us in a lesson, and we forgot to call her back after. Then she called us again.

Hi, Lai Mommy, how are you doing?
Yes. Sister Hugo. Hello. Can you be at my house at 3?
*Looks at watch. 2:45*
Probably not, Lai Mommy
Hmmm........ It's just that I have a friend coming over at 3 who wants to meet the missionaries. 
....Go on.

It was so funny! I could just imagine Lai Mommy's thoughts "Hmm. Is that so missionaries. Because I think that you are actually VERY free at 3, and will do whatever it takes to get here by then." 

Touche, Lai Mommy, touche.

Sister McNeilly is a violin prodigy, so a member leant her this one to practice with and she'll perform in Stake Conference with it. Then we all got a hold of it and tried to play. Try being the operative word. There was sound ......but that's about it. One day though! #FutureMasterViolinist #ForeverIsALongTime #MaybeI'llJustBuyAnAlbum

Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite

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