Monday, June 20, 2016


Hello World!!

I bought a facial mask and was expecting a cream or something. Instead it turned me into a MONSTER!

On my birthday, the other sisters bought me the most amazing chocolate cake *drools* and then wrote 20 compliments on 20 balloons. They're the sweetest. I loved it so much.

Translation: Except for your feet, you always smell really good! #nosolution
Reaction: Yeah, that sounds about right. 

I tried to sleep with all the balloons, but it didn't work out. Still got this picture though!
This is a bowl full of the famous chicken feet. Ada and Peggy love having us over, and every time we come over Ada cooks enough food for 12 people, not even kidding. But it's always delicious so we don't complain. They came to church this week to see the baptism of 8 year old Adia Wong (who was in my ward in Hawaii! Talk about a small world!) . They loved church (all the food after the baptism probably helped) and are going to try and come again next week! At first they didn't want to hear anything about the gospel, but I can see the Spirit softening their hearts. Now they're so curious and willing to listen. I love them so much 
We had a Relief Society activity where we made Oreo mousse cup things for father's day. They said "The first step is to take out the cream in the middle of the Oreo because it is far too sweet!" I was so sad! I ended up just eating about 1/4 of the cream anyway (which was a lot because we had about 6 boxes of oreos) and the members thought it was HILARIOUS that I had such a sweet tooth. That's America for you! I made an oreo parfait one for you dad, and thought of eating it for you. But I don't think you would ever eat an oreo without the cream AND without milk to dunk it in. It's un-american! #obviously...I'minHongKong
Then in the group picture at the end, I was probably the tallest person by 4 or 5 inches. When I told them I want to be taller they started arguing about whether or not I could find a boyfriend/husband if I'm that tall. I think this might be the running joke of my mission. I think it's so funny I love it so much.
My companion Sister Kessen and I are trying to talk to more people, and as soon as we put in extra effort we saw miracles. Like someone talking with us for 5 minutes, giving us 3 referrals, and then insisted she come with her to dinner (where we tried to pay for ourselves but she got there first). Or a man who stopped us on the street because he has questions about religion and we are ministers. 
Sister Kessen became a Sister Training leader and our zone was split so we're TINY. Just 6 sisters now. The real fun happens this week when the STL's need to go on splits. Sister Thompson and I will be out by ourselves with our cumulative 4 months experience with Hong Kong. I'm going to get so many fun stories out of this week!
The people of Hong Kong are amazing, and they are so prepared to hear this joyful message. The saddest things that happen are when people are being prepared by God to receive this message, receive all of these blessing, and they reject it. It breaks my heart. But I'll keep working, I'll keep trecking. This gospel means everything to me. The thought that my only purpose in life right now is to share what has been the biggest blessing in my life makes me indescribably happy.
Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite

Monday, June 13, 2016


No time for small talk. Too many amazing stories!

We went to visit with a Less active, Lo JiMuih. She's a grandma from Taiwan who lies by herself. We walked to her house and somehow got there half an hour early, but we called and she was home so we just came right in. 3 minutes later a man walks into her house to give her food. We're confused but play it off cool and try to talk with him but he just waves his hands at us and goes to the kitchen. When he comes back he says to Lo JM in Cantonese "Do you know these people aren't christian?" to which we respond (in Cantonese) "Actually, we are Christian. We love Christ" His mouth drops to the floor (these two white girls speak Cantonese!) "Also, we're not chegau (a cult)" he didn't say anything but his face said "AND THEY CAN READ MY MIND!!"

We ended up just chatting with him. Turns out he is Lo JM's Son in Law and brought her food because she wasn't feeling well. At first he really didn't believe we believed in Christ. But we just talked with him about normal things (We love the TV show Friends too!! Does China have Netflix? Oh man I miss Netflix) and some missionary stuff (We really don't get paid! And we don't listen to music. And we wake up at 7 and go to bed at 11. We really do spend hours outside just talking with people) and a few spiritual things (What's that? Oh, that's the book of Mormon. It's kind of like the Bible).  He ended up staying for about an hour and a half, it seems like partially to make sure we didn't hurt Lo JM (yep. this is who you need to be afraid of. Two white girls in skirts who want to talk about Jesus and help your mother in law clean her house) and partially out a curiosity as to....just everything about us. We don't have his phone number or anything, but now he knows we're not a cult! We're praying we'll run into him more often. Especially because he is SO funny and his English is amazing.

Yesterday at church I understood almost 1/2 of Sacrament meeting!! Woo! I'm really glad that I prepared myself by imagining not understanding anything for 6 months because it makes the little victories that much more sweet.

Sunday night we ate with the Ling family. All of them are converts of about a year and a half. Wai Kei is going on her mission soon! They're all so amazing, I love them. Anyway, after dinner we were comparing heights with everyone. I was the tallest one there, which made me excited. Sister Ling was confused why I was so happy so I explained how I want to be 6 foot. She squealed "No! If you get any taller you'll never get married! I'm already worried about you!!" I laughed so hard. But it would be worth it to be 6 foot. So watch out world, prepare yourself for a 6 foot engineering spinster. 

 Today we had a meeting with all of the trainers and trainees. Which meant an MTC REUNION!! I missed them all so much. Not everyone was there, but I'm glad that so many were. I miss those who weren't there, but I know that the Lord will take care of them.
Anyway. I loved seeing everyone!! I gave out a lot of hugs, and reminded all the Elders its only 21 months till they get the hug to end them all. I'm so proud of all of them! I completely understand why I can't give them hugs. It makes complete sense. .......It's still hard to not hug them.

After the meeting we rushed downstairs to go to the bathroom. Then we went into the mission office, and there was a surprise birthday party!! AAHH!! Not gonna lie, I cried. There were egg tarts, and my MTC companions gave me notes. It was amazing. No pictures, but just imagine me smiling so hard that my eyes disappear into my cheeks X)

Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I'm sure SOMETHING happened this week

Whenever I read letters from missionaries I was always so frustrated. What do you mean you don't remember what happened this week?! You work 16 hours days, 7 days a week, and nothing happened??!?!

And now I'm that missionary...

^Me and Sister Thompson freaking out about Language passoffs. Our MTC teacher did this thing where she made a teardrop shape with her fingers whenever she was nervous. It looks kind of like an anime. Also, it's contagious and now we do it all the time.

We had language passoffs, but we have them every week. Basically we just role play teaching a lesson with our zone leaders, then they tell us how we can improve our Chinese and also our teaching skills. They're still scary, but not as terrifying as when I first got here. I don't know why they're scary, because teaching actual lessons is SO much fun. 

We tried to get to an investigator's house a different way than normal. But........we messed up. Instead of being on the bus for 15 minutes, we were on it for an hour and a half as we drove to the middle of nowhere and back. And no one was on the bus, so I just read the Book of Mormon. You should try it sometime :) Jokes aside though, it is really amazing

Today we're spending time in the actual city Hong Kong and it is RIDICULOUS! 

I see what they mean by Seung Seui being in the boonies. It's still a big city, but NOTHING compared to Hong Kong proper.
One of our investigators used to be a professional ping pong player and now she's a ping pong teacher. For a while she hasn't been interested in the church, so we would just be friends and maybe say a prayer with her. But this week she called us up and asked if we could meet. She was really sad because she felt like Heavenly Father abandoned her. I was able to share my all-time favorite scripture 3 Nephi 22 :10, and share my testimony of how the Lord and Heavenly Father NEVER abandon us. It was cool because I was able to use my experiences of grief and pain to help her in her time of grief and pain. By the end of the lesson we were both crying.  I'm glad that Heavenly Father was able to use my experiences of sadness to bring hope to others. It's like He has a plan or something (just so everyone is 100% clear that was sarcastic. Of COURSE he has a plan!).

This week I've been studying a lot about conversion. Sometimes I find myself just going through the actions of the gospel. But the whole point of the gospel is to help change us to become more like Christ and Heavenly Father! So just going through the motions does almost nothing to help us. I realized that when I'm just out walking (either finding, or just on my way to an appointment) I get distracted and end up telling myself stories. I'm trying to change this so that I can really use my whole heart in the service of my God. So I've been singing hymns to myself on the way to lessons. I really love it :) The only problem is sometimes I transition into singing other songs :( Can someone listen to "On the Road Again" for me? Maybe that would help get it out of my head Making progress though, and that's all that really matters. :)

​^It's been raining more lately, so I've had more excuses to use my amazing sunny skies umbrella :) My Mom gave it to me. She's so amazing.

Life is good! See ya'll next week :)

Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite