Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I'm sure SOMETHING happened this week

Whenever I read letters from missionaries I was always so frustrated. What do you mean you don't remember what happened this week?! You work 16 hours days, 7 days a week, and nothing happened??!?!

And now I'm that missionary...

^Me and Sister Thompson freaking out about Language passoffs. Our MTC teacher did this thing where she made a teardrop shape with her fingers whenever she was nervous. It looks kind of like an anime. Also, it's contagious and now we do it all the time.

We had language passoffs, but we have them every week. Basically we just role play teaching a lesson with our zone leaders, then they tell us how we can improve our Chinese and also our teaching skills. They're still scary, but not as terrifying as when I first got here. I don't know why they're scary, because teaching actual lessons is SO much fun. 

We tried to get to an investigator's house a different way than normal. But........we messed up. Instead of being on the bus for 15 minutes, we were on it for an hour and a half as we drove to the middle of nowhere and back. And no one was on the bus, so I just read the Book of Mormon. You should try it sometime :) Jokes aside though, it is really amazing

Today we're spending time in the actual city Hong Kong and it is RIDICULOUS! 

I see what they mean by Seung Seui being in the boonies. It's still a big city, but NOTHING compared to Hong Kong proper.
One of our investigators used to be a professional ping pong player and now she's a ping pong teacher. For a while she hasn't been interested in the church, so we would just be friends and maybe say a prayer with her. But this week she called us up and asked if we could meet. She was really sad because she felt like Heavenly Father abandoned her. I was able to share my all-time favorite scripture 3 Nephi 22 :10, and share my testimony of how the Lord and Heavenly Father NEVER abandon us. It was cool because I was able to use my experiences of grief and pain to help her in her time of grief and pain. By the end of the lesson we were both crying.  I'm glad that Heavenly Father was able to use my experiences of sadness to bring hope to others. It's like He has a plan or something (just so everyone is 100% clear that was sarcastic. Of COURSE he has a plan!).

This week I've been studying a lot about conversion. Sometimes I find myself just going through the actions of the gospel. But the whole point of the gospel is to help change us to become more like Christ and Heavenly Father! So just going through the motions does almost nothing to help us. I realized that when I'm just out walking (either finding, or just on my way to an appointment) I get distracted and end up telling myself stories. I'm trying to change this so that I can really use my whole heart in the service of my God. So I've been singing hymns to myself on the way to lessons. I really love it :) The only problem is sometimes I transition into singing other songs :( Can someone listen to "On the Road Again" for me? Maybe that would help get it out of my head Making progress though, and that's all that really matters. :)

​^It's been raining more lately, so I've had more excuses to use my amazing sunny skies umbrella :) My Mom gave it to me. She's so amazing.

Life is good! See ya'll next week :)

Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite

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