We had 2 cheng-outs (dinner at a members house) this week. Both of them turned into parties. We were expecting a single family, and then we get there and it seems like somehow half of our ward is crammed into a tiny apartment. I got to try a lot of new food both times, but my favorite were the pregnant fish. They're small, maybe 5 inches long, and you eat them whole. They still have bones, but I guess with the way you cook it or something.....I actually have no idea. But you eat them whole anyways. And I forgot that fish have about a million eggs, not just one, so biting into it's stomach was interesting.
Wai Kei, a young woman from our ward has been waiting for her mission calls for a little over 2 months, and she finally got it! She's a convert of a little over a year, and we love to have her be a member present because she has such an amazing testimony, is hilarious, and as an added bonus, her english is AMAZING. Wai Kei is going to Australia! She is so happy because it means she is going to have a chance to use her English. Her family is so excited! And we're so excited for them. All of them. :)
This week we tried to contact every Less Active possible. So far there hasn't been a lot of success....but we gave them the chance. And now we have time to move onto other people. One of the houses is out in the middle of nowhere, and we spend 2 hours trying to find it and we still have not found it. But it is gorgeous out there! I'll send pictures next week. At one point we were walking through the jungle on a striped vinyl road *sings* Follow the Striped Vinyl Road! Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the striped vinyl road!
Siu Pohpo is doing amazing. She doesn't really know how to read, so we've been watching Church movies with her. It has been so amazing to see the Spirit working on her. This week, she says that she knows that Jesus Christ is real, and so is the Book of Mormon! And then in her prayer, she thanked Heavenly Father for sending us to her. Cue silent tears and my heart melting, then recollecting and growing.
On sunday the elders took an investigator to church, and we helped her in Relief Society. She is amazing, and is so willing to learn, but I had no idea what she was saying, and at one point I just gave up and started nodding and saying things like "yeah, uhhhh, for sure". Turns out she was saying "I don't think you understand what I'm saying. You're like a little baby. So innocent. You don't know what's going on around you." That was a blow to my pride. But I rebounded! That night at a cheng-out we shared a message about conversion and everyone there felt the spirit very strongly. Afterwards a lot of the members complimented me on my Cantonese, which is exactly what I needed. The Relied Society President recorded part of the lesson and let me watch it. I think I sound terrible! How do people understand what I say?!? I tell myself that it's just because you always sound weird on video. Yeah. That's what it was.
I'm starting a challenge (we'll see how long it goes for) where I read the Standard Works in a year. All I have to do is read 5 chapters a day, for the next year *laughs, then cries a little on the inside* nah, I can do it. Hopefully.
Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
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