Tuesday, January 10, 2017

One of those weeks

It's been one of those weeks where I look back and just think "A lot of things happened. I KNOW a lot of things happened.....WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER ANY OF IT!!"

Well I guess I'll just start spewing random things.

We're a trio! Me, Sister Hoxer, and Sister Woodruff (yes, related to THAT Woodruff, President Woodfruff, Prophet Woodruff. Our ward is SOOOO excited!) Being in a  trio is interesting.... I did it in the MTC,  but the MTC is VERY different. For now, our apartment is VERY crowded with an extra persons's luggage. But it works out really well  because the week after Sister Hoxer goes home we have deep cleaning day. You've never heard of deep cleaning day? We take all P-Day to stay in the Apartment and deep clean the whole thing. All day. Yay. I'm so excited. Really.

Our investigators are doing really well. Last week at church they were passing around the new lesson manual (Gordon B. Hinckley, AKA my favorite) and Sister Lee and her daughter Bluey took one. They said this week that they LOVE reading it, and whever Bluey is stressed with school (which is every day, welcome to Asia) she asks her Mom to read it out loud to her. They also requested a copy to give to their grandpa. They are SOO CUTE!!

Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite

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