Thursday, April 20, 2017


This week was Easter. In Chinese, Easter is "Resurrection Day". My native companion told me that Hong Kong people don't really say happy Easter, but I decided I wanted to anyway. One of our favorite members heard me and thought it was the funniest thing in the world. "Happy resurrection!? Have you resurrected yet?!" LOL I love Brother Jyu. 
One time I was chatting with him, and he used a word I didn't know. I asked him to explain it and he said "it's like serving someone. It's like, you just listen to them, and you are completely obedient, and you really admire them....." 
"OH! Are missionaries like Jesus's [enter mysterious chinese word here]?"
HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER from everyone within sound range
so I'm taking that it doesn't mean that?
Nope. It means "henchmen", mostly used when talking about gangs. I basically said that missionaries are Jesus' "boys".

Eh, as long as a get a cool leather jacket.

Sister Leung, my native trainee, got her visa last week. Which means she's leaving for the MTC this week. MY BAAABY!! It's really bittersweet. I'm 100% sure that I'm more emotional about it than she is. So once she's gone, I'll be a in a trio with the other 2 sisters in the apartment, and we'll cover both areas. WE WILL BE SO BUSY IT WILL SO MUCH FUN!! It'll just last for 2 weeks though, just till transfers. 

This week I was filling in my old notes, and I ran across this entry in the Guide to the Scriptures "Joy is a condition of great happiness coming from righteous living. The purpose of mortal life is for all people to have joy. A full joy will come only through Jesus Christ"  I love that, for SOO many reasons. There are so many words for happiness. Happy, pleasure, content, at peace, and joy (to name just a few). I love all of the them, but I've been thinking a lot about Joy lately. Joy is more of a loud smiley kind of happy. Peace is AMAZING, and contentment can be so filling, but sometimes I just need some JOY! You know? Too often I meet people who think that following christ is just hard, that the whole purpose of it is to be hard, no more. Or that maybe being Christian brings peace, but "that's just not my thing. too quiet. too boring." 

Well. Imma say no. The gospel is JOY!! How great is that!! And how perfect for Easter. Yes. Jesus lives! And because He lives, so will we!! And because of Him, we can ALL, ALWAYS have a fresh start!!

That's (one) of the reasons I LOVE being a missionary. I have a JOYFUL message to share. And there are so any people who need that. 

Anyway, that was a little long winded, but I'm just a little too excited for any real logic. WOOOOO!!!!!

See y'all next week :)
Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite

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