Wednesday, June 21, 2017


It rained a lot this week. I mean, a lot. We got kicked out of the Apple store" kind of downpour. Members called to check on us kind of rain. As missionaries we're just accustomed to being rained on. It makes for really good finding. One of my favorite is "OW! Your umbrella poked me in the eye!" - finding. 
Good stuff.

Sometimes I just get way too into thinking about the water cycle. LITERAL TONS OF WATER ARE FALLING OUT THE SKY AND WE THINK IT'S A NORMAL THING!!

Chinese culture corner!
The father of woodworking one day had a problem. He wanted to make it so that travelers in all of China could travel dry. He complained at dinner one day to his wife, then set out to make little gazebos every mile of every road in all of china. After a while his wife told him that he didn't need to worry about it, she had already solved it. How could she have already solved it!?!? She didn't even know carpentry?! Then she pulled out the first umbrella.
moral of the story: don't complain about your problems because then others will beat you to solving it and hog all the glory. Or something like that.

I got my birthday package this week!!!! I never thought taco seasoning and stain stick could make me so happy. I always knew that Jelly Beans could make me that happy though. 

This week I have been trying to understand that gospel by trying to think in ways that it is not. One of my favorites is "God is not a cosmic vending machine". Can you imagine? 

"God. Is the answer to #37 C of D?"
*a giant ray of light lights up his chair and desk and a deep voice thunders*


"God, I want a convertible"
giant red convertible falls out if the sky, along with doves and sparkles
"NO! I wanted a blue one!
Convertible slowly lifts into the sky, and a blue one calls down where the red one used to be

That would be ridiculous!! But so often that is how we want things to happen! But one thing that I'm learning is that most of the time if I ask for more patience, he will give me something really annoying to deal with. If I want more knowledge, he will give me some free time to study the scriptures. So one thing that I am praying for is the gift of discernment to discern the answers to prayers that Heavenly Father is sending me. What answers has He sent you that you've missed? 

Love you all!!

Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite

Sunday, June 18, 2017

UFOs and curtains

Letter #1:

So actually the apple store is closing now because of the typhoon lol wimpy so the group letter will have to wait till next week :(

Letter #2:

This week we got new curtains in the apartment!! Which makes everything look way nicer! And now we can go to sleep because they black out all the light! We are living in luxury :)

When the curtain guy came over to put up the new curtains we started small talk. A couple minutes later I thought "this is perfect! We didn't have any time for finding today, but maybe curtain guy has interest!" 
"-So we're christian church volunteers, are you religious"
"I'll tell you what, when I was younger I was Christian. Then I was Catholic. Then I looked into buddhism."
*wow, this is really interesting!*
"And then I saw a UFO."
*you lost me dude*
"3 times in the same year!!"
Then he pulled out his phone and showed us some pictures of a cloud that he thinks look like a Buddhist god. They were pretty. 
After that I was trying to not laugh so hard that I didn't know 

So funny! We did have an awesome miracle though! Sister Peck ran into an amazing member who's working in Hong Kong. We found out that she is less active and now we are seeing her later this week! She is by far hands down the nicest person I have met in Hong Kong. She gave us a giant bag of groceries -- AMERICAN GROCERIES!! Kraft Mac and Cheese never tasted so good. She is having some pretty hard things happen in her life right now, so remembering the gospel even more important now. 

PS no time to write more, we got extra time to write today because on Monday the Apple store closed early. So I'm not going AWOL okay?

Love y'all!!!
Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite

Monday, June 5, 2017

5 missionary food groups

We've been having a little too much fun lately. Most of it has to do with Elf quotes and "You might a Sister Missionary if....." jokes

I try to eat a balanced mission diet. We have the 5 missionary food groups. Siu Mai (street food, processed fish in little pasta cups, sooooo good), dumplings, rice, oatmeal, and bakery bread.

I got a full 45 minutes of rest!!

If your favorite thing is talking to people about religion
If you speak some weird alphabet language, RC, LA, MLC, NRMPI, ZL, STL
If people ask you how many prayers you say in a day and you need several minutes to count
If you can transition ANY topic into the gospel
If you walk up to people smoking and ask if they need help quitting
If you can spend 2 minutes talking in an elevator with someone, and then worry about them all day
If you speak fluent Chinglish
If you know the location of every bakery and public bathroom within a 3 mile radius 
        *bonus point if you know the prices of every bakery and which bathrooms are cleanest*
If you are always on the lookout for shoes that are comfy/cute/and cheap
If you always give up on shoes that are comfy AND cute AND cheap and just pick 2 of them
If people often ask "Is that your only outfit?"
You might be a Sister Missionary!!!

This week we have been focusing on new investigators. Which means so much finding!!! Good stuff. We're trying to spend as little time on the streets as possible, but it's inevitable. So far I think that all of the good contacts have been people out walking their dogs. There's just something about dog people I guess #Dogs>Cats

I may or may not have had an entire tube of super glues exploded my hand........

​I got ice cream and tried all the weird flavors. In order of best to worst
Lychee (too good!!!)
Ginger (surprising good)
Black Sesame (decent. Mostly I just wonder how many sesame seeds they had to use)
Sea Salt (made me want to puke)

Seriously though, what was I thinking trying sea salt ice cream? It was terrible!

Yesterday in sacrament meeting we had a lot of members go up and talk about they are so thankful for their missionaries giving up so much to teach them the gospel. It's always such a pick me up of the reminder the difference the gospel can make in a life. Then a teenager went up and said "I was born in the church, but my parents are my missionaries" It just hit me, and my eyes got really sweaty really fast. I don't have much time left to finish this email (what else is new) but my parents mean the world to me. I can't believe all of the love and patience and light that they have poured into my life. Whatever good in my life is due to my parents -- earthly and heavenly. Whatever bad in my life is honestly probably my fault, and probably from not listening to them. It's time to go, so I'll be fast
I love my parents. They're the best parents anyone could have
My Heavenly Father loves me even more than they do somehow
He and Christ are always on my side, fighting for what's best for me
Weekly Challenge : Thank you parents through service, and thank your Heavenly Father through prayer :)
Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite

Sunday, June 4, 2017


Went on exchanges with Sister Magleby this week. She is so energizing! But I forgot to take a picture! Curses!

We've been focusing this week on "consecrated finding", just following every single prompting. The hard part is the doubt "Well, is this really a prompting? Or just a random thought from me?" To combat that, we've even been following those to show Heavenly Father "We desire SO STRONGLY to receive and follow guidance, that we don't even need a confirmation of whether or not it is a prompting to follow it." It's been going great!!

In sacrament meeting, one of the members said something like "It's really hard/toil/suffering to pretend to be a good person." It really is true. The more we demand of the natural man, the more starved and upset and angry he will be! That's why we need Christ's help.  ONLY with Christ's help can we move from doing good things to BEING a good person. That's something all of us are still working on, but I am so grateful that I have Christ's help in all of this. He is my Savior and my Redeemer and my shepherd. And that is something worth sharing :)

Challenge of the week. Ask Heavenly Father what there is in your life that needs to be done with my heart and real intent. And then ADD OIL and get to work :)

Love you all :)
Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite