Sunday, June 4, 2017


Went on exchanges with Sister Magleby this week. She is so energizing! But I forgot to take a picture! Curses!

We've been focusing this week on "consecrated finding", just following every single prompting. The hard part is the doubt "Well, is this really a prompting? Or just a random thought from me?" To combat that, we've even been following those to show Heavenly Father "We desire SO STRONGLY to receive and follow guidance, that we don't even need a confirmation of whether or not it is a prompting to follow it." It's been going great!!

In sacrament meeting, one of the members said something like "It's really hard/toil/suffering to pretend to be a good person." It really is true. The more we demand of the natural man, the more starved and upset and angry he will be! That's why we need Christ's help.  ONLY with Christ's help can we move from doing good things to BEING a good person. That's something all of us are still working on, but I am so grateful that I have Christ's help in all of this. He is my Savior and my Redeemer and my shepherd. And that is something worth sharing :)

Challenge of the week. Ask Heavenly Father what there is in your life that needs to be done with my heart and real intent. And then ADD OIL and get to work :)

Love you all :)
Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite

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