Thursday, July 20, 2017

Time Warp

This week I did a really bad time managing email time. Oh no!!
Time for pictures!!

Last week we went to infamous "Monkey Mountain". We found this lady who was feeding them fruit from giant trash bags. By the end of feeding time, we counted 40+. We were afraid they would start fighting so we started the hike  to get away for a bit.

Our group, so much fun!!

It was so nice to get together with a bunch of my friends :)
(Sister Frandsen, Sister Thomson, Sister Grover, Me, Sister Woo, Sister Peck)
This week we also threw a birthday party for a less active family this week. It was so much fun!! There was food, a newspaper "snowball" fight, and then just getting to "chin wag".  Unfortunately, one of the kids stole my camera and so all the pictures I have are fuzzy and/or are pictures of the ground :P 

About every 2 months, or stake puts on a giant activity called "gas yauh jaahm", which means "gas station". It's just a pun to go along with the "add oil" saying. It's an activity to get all the members pumped (heeeheeehee) about missionary work. We're in charge of the August "gas station" activity, and we are SOO EXCITED! It's gonna be "day in the life of a missionary". "How fast can you button up a shirt?" "Can you selfie with a normal camera?" "How fast can you find out someone's name, job, and phone number on the subway?" "Can you teach repentance with 5 minutes prep?" It's gonna be so much fun. Yay for activities!!

I ran out of time, which just means that next week's spiritual thought will be extra good, okay? Sounds good. 

Love y'all


Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite

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