Friday, July 1, 2016

Another Day in Paradise

I feel like not much happened this week, but I also know that somehow I'll find things to talk about as soon as I start typing. 

Every time I see members, and investigators even, they without fail ask me if I'm tired and/or hot. I mean..... yes..... but is it that obvious? I keep telling myself they'll just be even more impressed with everything I do if they think I'm exhausted.

Also, every one is insisting that I've gotten skinnier. I haven't lost any weight though, so what must be happening is that I'm getting taller!!

This last P-Day we went on a Bicycle Ride in Dei Mai Dok. #Gorgeous #MyDad'sOverUseOfHashtagsIsContagious We were able to go with a lot of other sister missionaries and it was a blast! I rode in a 4 person (2 x 2) bicycle which looked stable, but is somehow harder to drive than the tandems. I got a lot of pictures on another Sister's camera, so maybe you'll get pictures next week too!

This week we met with the Lee family and brought one of my best friends Salad along with us as well. (Sorry, no pictures) The Lee's are AMAZING I love them so much. Two of their three children are English speaking RMs and so they helped me translate (who knew I would have needed the word helicopter so badly). Members don't feed us very often like I imagine happening in America, but when they do feed us they go ALL OUT! Amazing soup. Then chicken for days. Then Mango Pizza (actually amazing, but I was expecting Yellow Bell Pepper flavor so was confused for a bit), then melon, and then dessert.  The best part of the night though (apart from the amazing lesson where all of the Lee's for powerful testimony of Christ) was my language skills. One of the Lee's asked Salad where she met the missionaries. She said McDonalds. Ithought that what they meant "Where did you first meet the missionaries who baptized you?" but what they meant was "Where did you meet Sister Hugo and Sister Kessen to walk over to our house?". So when I said "Wow. God had a plan!" all of the Lees had to stifle giggles. But then when they told me what had happened I was the one who laughing the hardest. It was so FUNNY!!

This week I went on Splits with Sister Thomson while our companions did STL stuff. We taught 4 lessons together and they all went great. WE did get lost....but just a little bit! And thank heavens for members because in one of the lessons we had absolutely no clue what she was saying.....MEMBERS TO THE RESCUE!!

We had a meeting with the Bishop about working more with the Less actives in the ward and he gave us maybe 6 names. We contacted all of them in 24 hours and they're all amazing!!  

Ada and Peggy rode bikes to church in the 35 degree Celsius (95 F) weather. They're rockstars! 

Transfers are this week, and I'll probably stay in here with Sister Kessen, but we'll find out!
Life in Hong Kong is soooooOOOOO GOOD!!

P.S. Has anyone gotten any hard copy letters from me? I've sent about 3 every week and I'm worried that I'm sending them incorrectly somehow........but just know mom, that I've written you a letter very week, even if they aren't getting to you
Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite

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