Monday, July 11, 2016

Happy Birthday to Mom!

This week is gonna be a short email, cause I need to spend time writing my mom to wish her HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Want to know something terrifying? Last transfer is already over. And it flew by. And things just keep getting faster. And at the end of the transfer I'm in, I'll have been a missionary for 6 months. Where is the time turner when you need it?! Although now that I think about it, I'm already exhausted all the time...and if Hermione couldn't handle it, there's no way I could. I guess I'll just have to do things the good ole fashion way and live in the moment.
This week our Sister Training Leaders and Zone Leaders are prepping for Zone Training. Which means that Sister Thomson and I went on splits! Pretty much every day this week. kinda terrifying. We were in the same MTC district, so neither of our Cantonese is really that good. And we were teaching real lessons, to real people, with real baptismal dates. It was a big week of learning. And really humbling. Sister Kessen says that the best part of being a missionary is how often you get to fall on your face. Which means that this was probably my best week ever!! Seriously though it was awesome. It helped me realize that for a while I've been stagnating as a missionary and just making excuses for myself. Well, it stops now! I'm so blessed to be a missionary at this time. The Lord has trusted me with so many amazing people who need His love. I love the Lord. I love this work. I love Hong Kong. It feels like that moment in the Grinch when "his heart grew 3 sizes that day" It's almost time to go, but just know that I'm doing a-MAZE-ING. Life is good. The Lord is better. I'm just astounded at how much love is in my heart right now, especially considering I'm just emailing in an Apple Store in the middle of China. Who would've though?!

PS. They took forever, but these are some pictures from a couple weeks ago when I went bike riding
Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite

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