I've been slacking on the group email lately, so this is gonna be a long one to make up for it
good old Sheung Shui, but Sister Kessen is moving out. To....somewhere......we don't actually know
where yet. I'm pretty calm for now, but I don't think that will last too long so I'm gonna stock up on
chocolate and ice cream today. I'm gonna miss Sister Kessen so much! This a new feeling, getting
transfer calls. The MTC was kinda weird, just having a companion in general. It kinda felt like having a
really casual stalker. And then coming to Hong Kong in general was a GIGANTIC change, so having a
new companion was so small in comparison. But now, my world is about to change AGAIN! It's
gonna be an adventure :) *Bilbo Baggins voice* I'm going on an ADVENTURE!!
We had a new convert fireside (which was amazing by the way, I'm convinced that all of the best people
live in Hong Kong, specifically my stake) and Sister Kessen got to see her trainer (who's now an RM)
Sister Lam. Which means that I got to see my grandma! Lam Pohpo. It has a nice ring to it.
This week I taught Mui Pohpo again! When we got there she was really distracted about something......
I think it was politics. I tried to re distract with family pictures figuring the segway from family to gospel
would be easier than politics to gospel. Nope. After 5 minutes she requested the story of how my
parents met. I said "Can we read scriptures first? I can tell the story after!" she said "pffft no! I want a love
story! The Book of Mormon doesn't have any love stories! And your parents are so beautiful and young,
it must be a good story. Is your mother a good mother? Of course she is! Look at you! You're a missionary!
So how did your dad get her?". Okay Mui Pohpo. We'll have story time. She's such a good chatter, and it
takes SO much time because she has to check the story at every step. "Oh I see! your fathers sister
introduced them because he was never home and your mother was friends with your aunt. Got it. But, where
did they meet? Oh I see! Your aunt introduced them at your fathers house because your aunt loved your dad
and was friends with your mom and your dad was busy and wasn't at home a lot. Okay. Got it. But, how old
were they?" Eventually we just tied it in to the joy of eternal families because there was no way we were
going to have time to read scriptures.
Siu Pohpo's family came over to her house to eat lunch all together, and she wanted to introduce them to
the gospel. They were eating at a restaurant across the street from her house, but it was Sunday so we
didn't want to go to the restaurant because we KNEW they would buy us food. So we just waited at her
house. We got to meet about 25 members of her family! But then they were tired and want home. So it was
just "hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!Hi!....Bye!Bye!Bye!" It's okay though, now they at least know that the two mythical white
christian girls who know Cantonese are not mythical at all!
We moved English class locations, so for a while (about a month) we only had 1 student at our english class.
But we went English Class Finding this week and it was a HUGE success! We had about 20 people come to
English Class!!
Lee Family moving to Chile!!
This might be the best story of my entire mission. 3 weeks ago a family was baptized into our ward! In HK
investigators are baptized one Sunday, and confirmed the following Sunday. So Saturday 2 weeks ago we
were talking with our bishop
"Oh! And tomorrow the Lees will be confirmed!"
"Yes, that is so exciting. And then Thursday they go to the temple to baptize their dead ancestors"
"Wow. They are so amazing"
"And then Saturday, they get on the plane to Chile."
So it turns out, that they have been planning to move to Chile for a while now, and the whole ward
knew. But everyone forgot to tell the missionaries! We were the first to tell the Mandarin Elders who
taught them and they flipped out! It was so funny! It worked out perfectly though, because Elder
Darrington's family has a farm in Idaho that he invited them to go to learn how to do farm stuff (the
Lees are moving to have a farm and train horses! CRAZY!) and Elder Garcia's first language is Spanish
so he taught them some basics after Church. He also has a ton a friends serving in Chile so they are
going to be getting some Recent Convert referrals. The whole situation is just hilarious. The Chinese
family, taught by American missionaries, are moving to CHILE of all places (no offense to Chile).
The Wongs had SIX missionaries over at their house because they are amazing. In the primary
program, their daughter said "I want to be just like the missionaries!!" and then pointed back at us
The church is true, the book is blue. Chinese is crazy hard, but also so funny. I love being a missionary.
Really I do
Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
Your favorite
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