Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The rain came down....and down...and down...

This has been a VERY eventful week. Most of it was interrupted by a #8 typhoon, which meant that us missionaries can NOT leave our apartments. Calls and Records for DAYS! 8. Hours. Of Calls. And Records.

On the bright side, our record books have never been prettier.

Seriously, there was SO much rain. The day before the typhoon we were still out and about, and it was CRAZY! The Fanling Sisters  went into an appointment, and an hour later the only way out was through a RAGING river! They had to wade through water above their knees. The path out is a littler sidewalk with a handrail, and there are giant gutters on either side that lead into the sewers REAL fast. The path is kinda crooked, and they couldn't see where the drop offs were, so they had to hold on to the rod and trust that it would lead them where they needed to go. They said that it brought "Hold to the Rod" to a whole new meaning.

I just remember sitting on a mini bus on our way to Siu Pohpo's farm (our bus was almost a boat by the way) and just thinking "This is SOO MUCH WATER!! And yesterday, ALL of it was IN THE SKY!! And now it is just FALLING FROM THE SKY!!! ALL OF THESE TONS AND TONS OF WATER!!" So don't worry, I'm still the gigantic nerd I was 8 months ago, who gets distracted by the water cycle while sitting on a mini bus in China.

​Because of the Typhoon, our mission tour was postponed until today. It. Was. Amazing. Elder Wong is SO funny, and he truly taught by the Spirit, I learned so much. Today is my 8 month mark, and it is terrifying how fast the time is moving. Can I just veto it? Is there a box I can check for "how about not"? And honestly, it is pretty scary. I am not even close to half the missionary I wanted to be. But you know what, that's okay. What a blessing it is that I am able to see my blessings so that I know , not only in my head, but now in my heart, how much I NEED my Savior. There is no other way, simply, NO OTHER WAY I could get anything done. I couldn't progress, I couldn't choose joy, I couldn't be the person I want to be -- ONLY through Him and His Atoning Sacrifice can I do this.

Isn't that beautiful?

I also get to go the temple this Thursday, which is gonna be AMAZING!! 

Sister Hugo
Yiu Ji Muih
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